Where is my refund?
You can view your financial aid refund information in CUNYfirst. Go to the "finances" section of your Student Center and use the down arrow to select more options in "other financial information". Select "Account Activity" and then the next arrow. Any refunds will be listed here along with your other financial aid awards for the specified term. Check the "posted date" to get an estimate of when you should expect your refund. Refunds posted after Tuesday will be sent to you the following Friday. Students enrolled in direct deposit will receive their refund between Friday and Monday. Students not enrolled in direct deposit will receive their refund via check. Checks are mailed every Friday and delivery time is based on USPS.
You can find more information about looking up your refund information in CUNYfirst within this reference guide (see page 13 and 14)
Your FA Status in CUNYfirst Self Service2017 (updated 04.18).pub
Note, that you will not see a refund listed until your financial aid award has disbursed. If there is no refund listed more than two days after your financial aid award has disbursed, you can contact the Bursar Office ( to confirm your refund eligibility.
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