Bursar Holds
What Bursar Hold do I have?
Negative Bursar Holds are the result of an outstanding balance on a student’s account. Bursar Holds can prevent a student from registering or obtaining school documents such as transcripts and diplomas. Such Bursar Holds include:
*Note: CUNY has now ended the policy of witholding student transcripts due to financial holds (ie. Bursar and Collections holds)*
Bursar Hold (BUR): Prevents registration and requesting school documents. Only affects students with BMCC.
Bursar In-House Collections Hold (BIH): Prevents registration and requesting school documents. Affects students CUNY wide.
Bursar Transcript Hold (BTR): Prevents students from requesting school documents, but does not prevent registration.
Account Control Technology (BAZ) Hold: Student’s account has been sent to a Collections Agency. Prevents registration and requesting school documents CUNY wide. All payments must be made directly to Account Control Technology. Contact ACT at: www.accountcontrol.com or via phone at (888) 830-7770.
Immediate Credit Recovery, Inc. (BIC) Hold: Student’s account has been sent to a Collections Agency. Prevents registration and requesting school documents CUNY wide. All payments must be made directly to Immediate Credit Recovery, Inc. Contact ICR at: www.icrcollect.com or via phone at (800) 234-4271.
Leopold, Gross & Sommers, P.C. (BLG) Hold: Student’s account has been sent to a Collections Agency. Prevents registration and requesting school documents CUNY wide. All payments must be made directly to Leopold, Gross & Sommers, P.C. Contact them by telephone at (718) 625-2805
There can also be Positive Bursar Holds found on a student’s account which have no negative impact. Such holds include:
Bursar Payment Plan (BPP) Hold: indicates that the student is enrolled in an official payment plan.
Bursar Do Not Hold (BNH): for special cases when a student should not have a negative Bursar service indicator (ie. late financial aid).
Bursar Do Not Cancel (BCF) Hold: for students that have their tuition and fees covered by a third party.
A student can determine whether they have any holds on their account by logging in to CUNYfirst and going to their Student Center. Holds will appear in the “holds” field to the right of the “Academics” section. Selecting “details” in the “holds” field will open up a page that will list all the holds on the students account, including information on the date and semester it was applied, and the college and department the hold was issued from. If the hold was issued from the Bursar department, you can contact the Bursar (bursar@bmcc.cuny.edu) with any questions.
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