Repeating a class and Financial Aid
Can I receive financial aid for a class that I am repeating and that I received financial aid for in a prior semester/term?
Federal PELL: You may receive PELL and other forms of federal aid for repeating a course that you previously failed, even if you have to repeat that course more than once. If you are repeating a course that you previously passed, you may receive federal student aid funding for a one-time repeat of that course, whether or not you are repeating the course under the college’s Forgiveness Policy.
TAP: A repeated course that you previously failed may be counted towards full-time enrollment for TAP purposes, as long as you are meeting the TAP Good Academic Standing requirements.
If you repeat a course that you previously passed, you may not count the repeated course towards full-time enrollment for TAP purposes. This means that in order to receive TAP in a semester where you may be repeating a course you passed previously, you must have, in addition to the repeated course, at least 12 credits or equated credits of non-repeated courses.
Remember that for TAP purposes all courses that make up your minimum 12 credit full-time enrollment status must count for your degree.
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