Tuition Refund Policy
What is the refund policy for dropping a class?
Tuition refunds are calculated in accordance with the Tuition Refund Policy for those students who officially drop a class or classes during the first three weeks of the semester. Fees are not refundable.
Fall and Spring Semesters Only
*For Summer and Winter session refund schedules, please refer to: Academic calendar
The percentage of refund is determined by the date the course(s) is dropped in CUNYfirst.
Tuition will be refunded 100 percent for those courses which, at any time, are cancelled by the College. Failure to attend class, merely giving notice to the instructor, or stopping payment on a check is not considered an official drop or withdrawal.
Students who pay their tuition bill in full and subsequently drop will have their refund calculated according to the above Tuition Refund schedule. For further information on refund options, and information on financial aid refunds, go to:
Students who made a partial payment on their bill will have their tuition liability calculated according to the above Tuition Obligation schedule. A reduction in tuition charges may not necessarily result in a refund and, in some instances, a tuition balance may still be due. Fees are not refundable.
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