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Readmission for Former Students

Students who previously enrolled at BMCC and who stopped attending classes (for personal, financial, or academic reasons) may re-apply to come back to school through a process called "Readmission." If you want to keep earning credits toward your Associates Degree, this option is for you. Students who meet both the following criteria are eligible for readmission: Applied and was admitted to BMCC [...]

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Academic Dismissal and Probation

If you were academically dismissed from BMCC and are looking to come back, you will need to file an academic appeal though the registrars office. A student is academically dismissed when you are two or more consecutive semesters on probation (under a 2.0 GPA). You can file for an appeal here: https://www.bmcc.cuny.edu/registrar/appeals/ https://www.bmcc.cuny.edu/registrar/appeals/. [...]

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I am interested in attending BMCC

Feel free to join us for our Virtual Chats with an Admissions Rep every Tuesday and Thursday at 3-4 pm. Our Virtual Chats are the best way to connect with our Admissions Office in real time to address your inquiries and afford support along your journey from application to attendance. You can join these sessions as many times as you want! We also have Virtual Information Sessions every [...]

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Health records and Immunizations

You will need to download and complete an http://www.bmcc.cuny.edu/immunization-form MMR/Meningitis immunization form before you can register for classes. You will need to submit proof of two doses of measles, one of mumps and one of rubella. A blood test showing immunity to measles, mumps, and rubella will also satisfy this requirement. Submit the PDF via email to [...]

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Waiving the application fee

The are a few types of students that are eligible for a CUNY Application fee waiver. Current CUNY College students: If you’re currently enrolled at a CUNY College and intend to transfer without a gap in your enrollment, answer the CUNY Enrollment question on the application to waive your application fee. Note: please be sure to add the courses you are currently taking in order for your application [...]

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How to apply to BMCC

If you are looking to apply to BMCC, please complete the following: Submit a CUNY application by creating an application account or logging in to an existing account Please choose the correct application for yourself (Freshman or Transfer) and complete the application (Please note that transfer students have a minimum GPA requirement of a 2.0. If you do not meet this requirement, you may be [...]

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Tuition and fees

Tuition and fees will be the majority of your school costs, but supplies, books, transportation, food, and housing are also factors to consider in the overall cost. Tuition and fees can vary depending on residency status, enrolling as a non-degree student or a degree seeking student, and more. Part-time students that are NYC residents pay $210 per credit, while Full-time NYC residents pay $2,400 [...]

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Getting my GED

The Borough of Manhattan Community College has a GED program that helps you earn your GED at: CENTER FOR CONTINUING EDUCATION AND WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT www.bmcc.cuny.edu/ce OR another option: SUNY Manhattan Educational Opportunity Center 163 West 125th Street, 15th Floor New York, NY 10027 (212) 961-3231 [...]

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Account log in help

You can reset your CUNYfirst password by following the steps https://servicedesk.bmcc.cuny.edu/TDClient/33/Portal/KB/ArticleDet?ID=1030" target="_blank outlined here. If you are unable to reset your CUNYFirst password, please call the Service Desk at 212-220-8379 or visit the office in person at room S-141. [...]